Tuesday 25 January 2011

Blog heaven?

So I've been wondering who had the inclination to keep a successful blog.

So far the idea's been strangely compelling.  I love the design side of it (though WHY I went for Blogger over Wordpress I have literally no idea) and there's something rather satisfying about sharing those random perusals.  But to actually keep it going?

I guess I'll see. So many people, so many thoughts; anyone who can write a blog and keep it going over the long haul certainly has my respect.  Maybe these are those elusive finisher-completer types who I can only admire from a distance - do blogs work for people who just like new things?


  1. Yep, they work for me and I like new things! I blog about them when I find them, and then I have a record of stuff I investigated once upon a time. I am sometimes surprised by my own blog postings from the past, in a useful way because I am reminded of things I have since forgotten! My blog is very handy for helping me to cope with a butterfly mind :-)

  2. Yes a good point, though my butterfly mind had forgotten about the blog already! practice makes perfect, however...
